Yesterday, Jackson had preschool for a full day because they had their Christmas program in the afternoon. I explained to him the night before that when he got up, he would need to get dressed right away and eat breakfast. Since I stay home, we are lucky to be able to have pretty low key mornings. However, he needed to get on the bus, so I wanted him to be prepared for the change of pace.
He did great! Got dressed right away and came down to eat his breakfast. On his way down, he noticed Elfie hanging out in the light at the bottom of the steps!
In case you were wondering, Elfie picked a safe light - the bulb had just burned out the other day and we didn't have any extra of that kind on hand to replace it. We wouldn't want Elfie to melt!
I noticed Jackson had his undershirt on backwards, so I helped him change when he was sitting at the counter. He said, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked him why it wouldn't be and he said, "Well, because Elfie can see me." Haha!
He had plenty of time to get ready for school and left the house all smiles as the bus drove in the yard. Madelyn went with Brandon over to his parents' house where Grandma watched her all day. I cleaned up the house and got ready for my piano group lesson before I headed over to the church to set up for Christmas program rehearsal.
Jackson had his program in the afternoon. It was so cute! He was a pretty lucky boy to have his mom, dad, sister, 2 grandmas, 2 grandpas and 3 uncles watching :)
After the program, I went back over to the church to finish up a few things. Then, I headed home to prepare for my piano group lesson. Eight of my nine students were there and we had a lot of fun! They each had prepared a Christmas song to play, then we played "Name that Tune", had a cookie break, played "BANG!" and finished up with Bingo. We only had a few minutes for Bingo, but it was still fun!
After the last student left, I headed back to the church for rehearsal. It went pretty well considering it was our first practice. After that rehearsal, I had choir practice. I wound down with a glass of wine, then went to bed. Unfortunately, my brain was on overdrive and I don't think I slept for more than an hour...
This morning, Elfie was kneeling with the wise men at the stable.
Our Advent calendar activity for yesterday was to do something nice for someone. Since I didn't see Jackson after his program because of my crazy day, I asked him this morning if he did something nice for someone. He said he used his manners at school :) He asked what I did and I told him that when I got to church in the morning, there were three men practicing a piece for Christmas Eve. They needed someone to play for them, so I played parts.
Today, the Advent activity was to bring Christmas gifts to school for teachers. Jackson brought hand soap to each of his 4 teachers. The tag said, "HANDS DOWN, you're the best teacher around". I traced Jackson hand and cut it out. He signed his name on the back. The one on the picture is for his Sunday School teacher because I didn't snap a pic of his school teachers' gifts before he left. Tomorrow he is giving his bus driver Reese's Pieces with a tag that says, "I'm thrilled to PIECES that you are my bus driver! Thank you for keeping me safe :)" The credit goes to Pinterest for those cute ideas!
At lunch, we read Day 17 in our Advent book, since the kids ate out with Brandon last night. The reading was about the three wise men (which is who Elfie was sitting by today!). The activity was a question: What gifts can you give to Jesus? The first things Jackson said was toys, so I explained that we can't give anything we can touch to Jesus because he lives in our heart. So then he said that we could be nice to others and use our manners. I thought those would be great gifts to give to Jesus!
We read Day 18 at supper. It was about God being the potter. Sometimes we think we know everything, but it is God who knows everything. The activity was to make a pot to remind us that we are like the pot and God is the potter. The question was: Who is smarter, you or the pot?
At bedtime tonight, we read about the three wise men again. During prayers, Jackson thanked God for birds that tweet and that they can make their nests. Madelyn thanked God for our dog, Chloe and asked Him to help her not to bark.
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