Monday, December 22, 2014

Adventures of Elfie: Day 24

Jackson had a good laugh when he came downstairs this morning! Elfie lined all of his cars up and rode on the Hummer :)

Today, the kids spent the afternoon at my parents' house. They had so much fun playing with Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Kyle! When we got home, the kids played while I made supper. During supper, we read Day 22 in our Advent book. The question was: Why did God send Jesus as our Savior? Jackson said, "Because Jesus is His son." I love how matter-of-fact his answers are! We talked about how Jesus showed us how to live and what God was like. He died for our sins and has prepared a place for us in Heaven. Jesus experienced life on Earth, just like we do. He was an ordinary person who experienced trials and heartache, just like we do. He came to us as a baby and experienced death, just like us. Our pastor talked about this yesterday in his sermon. Jesus wasn't born in a beautiful castle, he was born in a smelly barn. His parents were young, ordinary people, not royalty. It is all so amazing!

Our Advent activity for today was to build a fort. However, this morning, we decided to build our fort after they got back from Grandma's because they wanted to play in the playroom this morning. Since we got home later than expected, we didn't have time to build the fort before bed. So, instead we all went under the covers of our bed and watched the parts of the Christmas program Brandon recorded yesterday. It was so fun! Jackson sang along to all of the songs. I was surprised when Madelyn joined in and knew some of the words! They thought it was pretty cool and was a good substitute for the fort :)

Tomorrow, our Christmases begin. Jackson has his last day of preschool (its pajama day!), then for supper, we will be at Brandon's parents with their family. On Christmas Eve morning, we will have our own little family Christmas followed by church and Braaten family Christmas. Christmas Day, we will see what Santa brought then head over to my parents'. It is such a busy time, but so much fun! We are so lucky to have both sides of our family right here! 

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