Monday, December 8, 2014

Adventures of Elfie: Day 10

Jackson's reaction when he saw Elfie this morning was, "What is going on?" Elfie was playing a game of  Candy Land with Elmo, Lambie & Bunny. It looked like Elfie was in the lead!

In our Advent book tonight, we read about giving gifts. God doesn't always give us what we want, but He gives us what we need. The activity was a discussion question. What are some things that people need, but might not have this season? What can your family do to help? Jackson said there are kids who don't have toys and families who might not have a house to live in. When I asked what we could do to help, he said, "We could give away some of our toys and give a family our house". We asked him where we would live if we didn't have our house and his response was, "In the barn". So, we talked about how generous it would be to give away our house, but that we also need to take care of ourselves. I reminded him about the box of toys we are going to bring in (hopefully, tomorrow), the monster truck he picked out for Toys For Tots, our donations to the food bank and the red Salvation Army kettles. Doing kind things for others not only helps other families, it makes us feel good to know we can help. This boy of ours amazes me everyday. He is still a crazy 4 year old, but he is wise beyond his years.

Our Advent activity for today was a family game night. A lot of cheering took place when I read that one to the kids! We figured that maybe Elfie knew we were having a game night, so he decided to have one, too. After we cleaned up from supper, we sat down on the kitchen floor and played Jenga. We usually play it on a table, but someone usually ends up bumping the table and it all comes crashing down. The game got really challenging at the end. They both were really good at wiggling out the loose ones, but also enjoyed when it all came crashing down!

Next, we played a couple rounds of Candy Land. Madelyn was not too interested in games at this point, so she crawled all over Daddy instead. 

Family game night was definitely one of our favorite Advent activities yet!

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