Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Adventures of Elfie: Day 18

Elfie was in the entry way this morning, hiding in a wreath with a note. The note said "Have a GREAT day! Love, Elfie"

This morning, the kids and I went to church so I could get a few things ready to set up for our Christmas program rehearsal tomorrow night. I was working in the sanctuary when a friend of mine walked in. She had told me last night that they were going to have to put their dog down today. She stopped in to see if the sanctuary was empty because her son wanted to say a prayer for their dog. I took the kids to a Sunday school room so they could have some privacy. She came over to the room when they were ready and we talked about their emotional day today. As we were talking, she received a text from her husband that said "she's gone". I gave her a hug and we shed a few tears at that moment. 

Just then, our pastor came down the hall. Of course, he was wondering what was wrong! She explained the situation to him and that her son wanted to say a prayer for their dog. Our wonderful pastor went in the room with the kids and talked to them while they colored together. He also brought in Oreos and milk. We all prayed together before we left. My friend's son said he wanted to give Jesus a tennis ball so He could play with their dog in heaven. My heart just melted. This little guy is only 3 years old but understands and believes, without a doubt, that Jesus is with their dog in heaven. It took me back to the moment when Jackson reminded us that God was taking care of Kailyn for us. We can learn a lot from the faith of children.

I'm so glad that our pastor was there to pray with them and talk to the kids about how they were feeling. There was a reason we were all at church that morning.

Our Advent calendar activity for today was to go to the Christmas concert at the elementary school. After supper, we headed over to the school. They gym was FULL and the students did a great job! It was a fun concert filled with a variety of music. The music teacher is fantastic and always puts on a great show. 

The kids went right to bed when we got home. Tomorrow, Jackson has a full day of preschool and his Christmas program in the afternoon. I have my Christmas group piano lesson, Christmas program set-up and rehearsal, as well as choir rehearsal. Busy, busy...but a day full of Christmas music :)

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