Monday, December 1, 2014

Adventures of Elfie: Day 3

Oh boy, did Elfie make us laugh this morning! He built a house for himself out of Lincoln logs, but it was a little small...

Since today is December 1st, the kids got to take off the "1" on the Advent calendar. Inside, they found a Christmas gumdrop and an activity. Today, the activity was to sing Christmas songs with mommy at the piano. 

They wanted to sing right away, so we had a quick breakfast and went down to the piano! We sang Jingle Bells, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Away in a Manger and Silent Night. Jackson even played Away in a Manger on the piano (with a lot of help from mom, of course!). They went back to the art table to color while I played Christmas songs out of the hymnal. What a great way to start our day!

At supper, we read Day 3 in our Advent book. The activity for tonight was to go out and enjoy the night sky. Since it is incredibly cold out, we shut the lights off and gazed out the window instead.

We talked about how dark it would be if we didn't have the moon or stars to light up the sky at night. We tried to count all the stars, but it was really difficult. It reminded us of the story of Abraham and Sarah. God told Abraham that he would be blessed with as many children as stars in the sky!

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