Our Advent calendar activity was going to be to go to the mall to visit Santa. However, it was really icy this morning and Jackson was not happy last night when he went to bed because we didn't have time to play after the movie. Since he doesn't have school on Mondays, we made a unanimous decision to skip Santa and change the activity to a jammie day. They had their new, super cute Christmas jammies, so why not?! Jackson spent time in the playroom moving bins, combining and playing with his airplanes - that we had to cut down from the light :) Madelyn played with her babies, dressed up in many different outfits and cooked in her kitchen.
At lunch today, we read Day 14 in our Advent book, which we were supposed to read last night. It was about Jesus being the light of the world. The activity was to light a candle during dinner. So, at dinner, we lit the candles on the centerpiece of the table.
We also read Day 15 during supper so we wouldn't get behind. The reading was about how Jesus' love never runs out. It is always overflowing in our hearts. The activity was to let a cup run over with water then talk about a time when our hearts were overflowing. I told the kids that the days we found out we were having all three of our children, my heart was overflowing. The day I married daddy, my heart was overflowing. The day each of them were born, my heart was overflowing. Jackson said that the day he "came out of mommy's tummy", his heart was overflowing. I know he just copied what I said, but it was so precious to hear him say it :)
We decided to try the overflowing cup activity in the bathroom since they were going to take a bath anyway. They found that it was hard to hold onto the cup when it is overflowing with water. I hope they experience moments when their heart overflows with love. They are too young to understand what it truly means, but it is my prayer that they always have a full cup and they cherish the moments when their "cup runneth over".
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