Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Potty Time!

Oh boy, today was a BIG day! Madelyn went on the potty 4 times yesterday successfully, so we (I) decided that today was the day to start wearing big girl undies. She ran around with them on after her bath last night and was super excited to wear them today.

Both kids have been sleeping in until around 7:45/8:00 most mornings. However, this morning Jackson woke up with a nightmare at 6:00 (and since we are still camping out in his room, I just told him to jump in our bed) and Madelyn followed suit with a bad dream at 6:45. I changed her and put another diaper on because I was not ready to deal with undies that early in the morning. Then we headed downstairs to snuggle and watch Curious George while the boys slept.

After everyone was up, we got dressed and put on her new Hello Kitty undies. Oh boy, was she excited!! However, each time we tried to go potty, she couldn't go. It wasn't until 10:30 when she wet her pants in the living room while I was looking up the recipe for supper on Pinterest...shoot. However, the rest of the day went surprisingly well! She only had two more accidents and went successfully on the potty NINE TIMES!!! I am so proud of my little two year old!

Here are some important potty tidbits I learned from potty training my son (who was potty trained in two days when he was 2 1/2):

1. Commit to the undies. Once you and your child decide they are going to wear undies, put them on and don't look back. Yes, there will be messes. Yes, they will pee on your carpet. Yes, you will have to do a load of laundry just for them for a day or two. But, trust me, it is worth it.

2. Celebrate!! When they go on the potty and have success, celebrate! Give them high fives, jump up and down, smile your biggest smile, call grandma, take their picture, hug them, kiss them and tell them how proud of them you are. Make it a big deal. Do it every time.

3. Juice, salty snacks and candy are your friend. I know this sounds terrible, but for a couple days, pump your kids full of liquids, give them goldfish and popcorn for snack and celebrate success with candy. I found that it is easier to potty train when their bladders are full. You can take them to the potty every 20-30 minutes, and they will most likely have success. We gave our kids a couple Skittles every time they peed or pooped. After they washed their hands, of course. Obviously, you will want them eat healthy meals and drink other liquids besides juice, but to me it was worth the extra sugar and salt for a few days to have a happy, diaperless child.

4. Have several pairs of undies on hand. Stock up on undies with their favorite TV/movie/book characters on them. Today, on our first day of potty training my daughter, she wore 5 pairs. I kept them in the bathroom so I didn't have to run upstairs and grab a new one each time.

5. Accidents are accidents. Don't get upset with your child if they have an accident. Tell them that its OK and put on a new pair of undies. I found that most accidents happened when I wasn't in the room with them or if I wasn't giving them my attention. I couldn't see their cues (funny look in their eye, touching, bending over...etc.) so if anyone was to blame, it was me.

6. Ditch the pants. For the first few days, don't plan anything but activities at home. Let them run around in their undies. For one thing, it is one less piece of clothing to wash. I also found that it is easier for them to pull down their undies than it is to pull down pants. Once they seem to be getting the hang of it, put on some pants and see what happens.

I am by no means an expert on potty training. Like I said, this is only day 1 for my second child. But, this is what has worked for us and I thought I'd share!

Cross your fingers that tomorrow goes even better than today!

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